Mastercard Tackles UK App Fraud Epidemic with Enhanced AI Solution

Mastercard Tackles UK App Fraud Epidemic with Enhanced AI Solution

Have you ever answered a suspicious phone call or clicked on a weird link only to think, “Uh oh, was that a mistake?”

Well, you’re not alone. Many people in the UK are falling victim to something called Authorized Push Payment (APP) fraud. It’s when scammers trick people into sending them money. It’s sneaky and can happen through fake websites, emails, or even phone calls. In 2023, this kind of fraud cost UK consumers a huge $607 million!

But there’s some good news in the fight against fraud. Mastercard, the famous credit card company, has decided to up its game. They’re using super smart Artificial Intelligence (AI) to help catch these sneaky fraudsters. Think of it as having a super detective that’s always on the job. Mastercard’s updated AI-powered solution is known as the Consumer Fraud Risk (CFR) solution.

So, how does it work? Well, this AI does more than just sit around looking cool. It checks out loads of data to see if anything seems fishy. If it spots something odd, it pings British banks right away. Less than a blink of an eye later, the banks know which transactions might be heading into fraudulent “mule accounts.” Basically, it helps warn both the sender and receiver if someone is getting tricked.

But Mastercard isn’t stopping in the UK. Nope, they’ve got big plans. They’re going to spread this clever AI trick around the world within the year! It’s a massive step as more companies realize how important AI is in stopping fraud.

Now, you might wonder why AI is so vital in this mission. In the world of money and banks, 94% of the experts agree that AI is the best tool to fight fraud. Yup, AI is like the superhero of the finance world!

And it’s not just the banks and financial experts who want this. There’s a FICO survey that tells us that more than 75% of regular folks demand that their banks use AI to keep their money safe from scams.

Johan Gerber, who works at Mastercard, put it nicely when he said, “Fraudsters have long sought to deceive the consumer through scam websites and fictitious deals. That’s why, at Mastercard, we are turbocharging our technology, providing banks additional lines of defense — helping them better identify and stop scams in their tracks.” It’s like he’s saying Mastercard is giving banks the cool gadgets they need to beat the bad guys!

This whole effort by Mastercard is a big deal. It’s showing that everyone is taking fraud seriously and trying to make banks faster and smarter in stopping criminals. So, remember, it’s super important for banks to keep innovating, protecting your pocket, and staying one step ahead of those pesky scammers with AI’s help.